Our Services

Our goal is to find a solution to your outdoor needs as quickly and cost effectively as possible. Choosing repair over replacement.

Inspection services

Starting at $55 for monthly inspections or $65 for one time services

All of our irrigation services include a full documented 7 point inspection of the system. 

  • Set the irrigation controller programing; adjusting water days, runtimes to make adjustments for the current season.

  • Check for controller alarms with Ohm readings of wires to ensure connection with valves.

  • Verify proper rain sensor functionality and adjust to proper cut off point. 

  • A visual inspection of each zone to check for leaks, breaks and broken heads.

  • Rotor and spray nozzle adjustment to ensure proper coverage.

  • Clean grass from around heads to ensure coverage.

  • Clean and flush filter if the system is equipped with one.

Irrigation well pump repair and replacement

Free estimate

We will come out and inspect the pump, well, and supporting equipment. Running tests to check voltages to start identify the source of the problem. Then we will discuss and plan to either repair or replace the pump or equipment as necessary to solve the issue. If we are confident that we can solve the issue for you and you. We will produce and estimate and nothing will be billed until you have agreed to the work!

Landscape lighting repair and installations 

Free estimate and design

If you are looking to have repairs done to your current lighting system we can quickly diagnose and quote to repair the issues.

If you are looking to add lights or install a new system we will meet to discuss what you are looking for and we will recommend and design a system that suites your needs and budget!

Email, call, or text to make an appointment